What are the limitations and constraints of AWS Outposts, and how can they impact application design and deployment?

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AWS Service: AWS Outposts

Question: What are the limitations and constraints of AWS Outposts, and how can they impact application design and deployment?


There are some limitations and constraints to keep in mind when designing and deploying applications on AWS Outposts:

Limited Availability: AWS Outposts are currently available in limited regions, and their availability is subject to change. This may impact the design and deployment of applications, especially if they need to be deployed in regions where AWS Outposts are not available.

Limited Compute and Storage Resources: AWS Outposts have limited compute and storage resources compared to the AWS cloud. Therefore, it may not be suitable for applications that require large amounts of compute or storage resources.

High Latency: Applications running on AWS Outposts may experience higher latency compared to the AWS cloud due to the distance between the on-premises environment and the AWS data center.

Hardware Requirements: AWS Outposts require specific hardware and infrastructure to be installed on-premises, which may require additional resources and costs.

Integration Complexity: Integrating AWS Outposts with existing on-premises infrastructure and applications may require additional configuration and complexity, especially when integrating with non-AWS services.

It is important to keep these limitations and constraints in mind when designing and deploying applications on AWS Outposts. By considering these factors, developers can make informed decisions and choose the right deployment options for their workloads.

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