What are the future developments and roadmaps for AWS Compute Optimizer, and how are they expected to evolve over time?

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AWS Service: AWS Compute Optimizer

Question: What are the future developments and roadmaps for AWS Compute Optimizer, and how are they expected to evolve over time?


AWS Compute Optimizer is a relatively new service and is continuously evolving to address customer needs. AWS typically announces new features and capabilities through its official blog and documentation pages.

Some possible future developments and roadmaps for AWS Compute Optimizer could include:

Integration with additional AWS services: AWS Compute Optimizer could integrate with more AWS services such as Amazon EKS, Amazon ECS, and AWS Lambda, providing more options for optimizing compute resources for different types of workloads.

Enhanced recommendations for cost optimization: AWS Compute Optimizer could provide more specific recommendations to help reduce costs further, such as recommendations for purchasing Reserved Instances or Spot Instances.

Deeper integration with AWS Trusted Advisor: AWS Compute Optimizer could provide additional security recommendations and best practices as part of AWS Trusted Advisor, providing a more holistic approach to optimizing cloud resources.

Support for hybrid and multi-cloud environments: AWS Compute Optimizer could support workloads running outside of AWS, such as on-premises or in other cloud environments, providing a unified view and recommendations for optimizing compute resources across different environments.

More granular controls for optimization: AWS Compute Optimizer could provide more granular controls for optimizing compute resources, such as the ability to specify minimum and maximum resource usage levels or to prioritize cost over performance or vice versa.

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