What are the different components of an SNS topic, and how do they work together to manage and distribute messages?

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Category: Application Integration

Service: Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)


An SNS topic is a logical access point that allows publishers to send messages to one or more subscribers in a pub/sub messaging model. The following are the different components of an SNS topic and how they work together to manage and distribute messages:

Topic ARN: Every SNS topic is identified by a unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that can be used to publish messages to the topic or subscribe to it. The ARN is used to specify the destination of a message when it is sent.

Publishers: Publishers are applications or services that send messages to the SNS topic. They can be any AWS service, mobile application, web application, or backend service that can communicate with the SNS API.

Subscribers: Subscribers are endpoints or services that receive messages published to the SNS topic. They can be email addresses, mobile devices, HTTP/S endpoints, Lambda functions, or other AWS services. Subscribers can subscribe to the topic using an SNS subscription.

Subscriptions: A subscription is a request to receive messages from an SNS topic. Subscribers can subscribe to an SNS topic using a protocol such as email, SMS, HTTP/S, Lambda function, or another SNS topic. Each subscription is identified by a unique subscription ARN.

Access Policies: Access policies are used to control who can publish messages to or subscribe to the SNS topic. Access policies are written in JSON format and can be used to specify permissions for individual AWS accounts, IAM users, or specific IP addresses.

When a publisher sends a message to an SNS topic, the message is immediately distributed to all subscribers who have subscribed to the topic using the specified protocol. Each subscriber receives a copy of the message in the format that they have specified during the subscription process. The message is delivered to subscribers in near real-time and can be delivered to multiple subscribers simultaneously using fan-out messaging.

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