What are the best practices for using AWS Compute Optimizer to optimize the performance and cost of AWS resources?

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AWS Service: AWS Compute Optimizer

Question: What are the best practices for using AWS Compute Optimizer to optimize the performance and cost of AWS resources?


Here are some best practices for using AWS Compute Optimizer to optimize the performance and cost of AWS resources:

Enable Compute Optimizer on all AWS accounts and regions to take full advantage of its benefits.

Review the recommendations provided by Compute Optimizer regularly and act upon them to optimize resource usage and reduce costs.

Use CloudWatch Metrics to monitor resource utilization and performance over time and compare it with Compute Optimizer recommendations.

Review and adjust your resource allocation, such as instance types, based on Compute Optimizer recommendations, utilization metrics, and specific workload requirements.

Leverage automation tools such as AWS Systems Manager Automation to automate the process of applying Compute Optimizer recommendations.

Integrate Compute Optimizer with other AWS services such as AWS Auto Scaling and AWS CloudFormation to ensure the recommendations are applied consistently across all resources.

Regularly monitor and review the performance and cost of your resources to ensure that they are optimized and aligned with your business needs and goals.

By following these best practices, you can use AWS Compute Optimizer to optimize the performance and cost of your AWS resources and ensure that they are aligned with your business goals and requirements.

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