What are the best practices for designing and deploying applications on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS, and how do you optimize it for specific workloads?

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AWS Service: Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

Question: What are the best practices for designing and deploying applications on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS, and how do you optimize it for specific workloads?


Here are some best practices for designing and deploying applications on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS:

Use container best practices: Follow best practices for building and deploying containers, such as keeping them small, using layers, and avoiding running as root.

Use built-in monitoring and logging: Take advantage of the built-in monitoring and logging capabilities of OpenShift to track resource utilization, application performance, and errors.

Use appropriate pod and container resources: Set appropriate pod and container resource limits to ensure that your applications have enough resources to run smoothly, but don’t waste resources.

Use automation for scaling: Set up automatic scaling of pods and nodes based on CPU and memory usage to ensure that your applications are always available and responsive.

Use a GitOps workflow: Use a GitOps workflow to manage deployments and updates to your applications, making it easier to roll back changes if needed.

Use network policies: Use network policies to restrict traffic between pods and services, and to restrict access to sensitive resources.

Use a service mesh: Consider using a service mesh like Istio to handle service-to-service communication and enforce security policies.

Use automated backups: Set up automated backups of your application data to prevent data loss in the event of a failure.

By following these best practices, you can optimize your applications for performance, availability, and scalability on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS.

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