How does AWS Compute Optimizer integrate with other AWS services, such as Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS?

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AWS Service: AWS Compute Optimizer

Question: How does AWS Compute Optimizer integrate with other AWS services, such as Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS?


AWS Compute Optimizer integrates with several AWS services, including Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS, Amazon ECS, Amazon RDS, and AWS Lambda. It uses CloudWatch metrics and instance metadata to provide recommendations on how to optimize the resources used by these services.

For Amazon EC2, Compute Optimizer provides recommendations for the instance type and size, and the optimal purchase model (On-Demand, Reserved, or Spot) based on historical usage patterns. For Amazon EBS, it provides recommendations on the optimal EBS volume type and size based on I/O usage and throughput. For Amazon ECS, it recommends optimal task size and CPU/memory allocation based on historical usage patterns. For Amazon RDS, it provides recommendations for the instance type and size, and the optimal storage size based on historical usage patterns. Finally, for AWS Lambda, it recommends the optimal memory allocation for functions based on usage patterns.

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