How does Amazon WorkMail handle email routing and filtering, and what are the benefits of this approach?

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Category: Business Applications

Service: Amazon WorkMail


Amazon WorkMail provides several features for email routing and filtering, including email rules, policies, and transport rules. These features can help users to better manage their email flow, as well as improve security and compliance.

Email rules allow users to automatically sort and filter their incoming messages based on criteria such as sender, subject, or content. Users can also create rules to automatically forward or reply to messages, or to move them to specific folders.

Policies allow administrators to apply company-wide settings for email retention, encryption, and mobile device access. For example, a policy can be set up to automatically delete emails after a certain period of time or require encryption for all outgoing emails.

Transport rules allow administrators to set up rules to control the flow of email in and out of the organization. This includes rules to block or allow specific senders or recipients, or to apply message encryption or data loss prevention (DLP) policies.

Overall, these features help users to better manage their email flow and improve security and compliance by enforcing company-wide policies and rules.

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