How does Amazon EC2 ensure the security of data and resources on the cloud?

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Amazon AWS EC2

Amazon EC2 provides a range of security features to ensure the security of data and resources in the cloud. Here are some of the key security features:

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Amazon EC2 instances can be launched within a VPC, which allows users to create a private network in the cloud, control access to resources, and configure network settings, such as IP addresses, subnets, and routing tables.

Security Groups: Security groups act as virtual firewalls, controlling inbound and outbound traffic to instances based on user-defined rules. Users can create different security groups for different instances and can modify security group rules as needed.

Encryption: Amazon EC2 allows users to encrypt data at rest using encrypted EBS volumes or AWS Key Management Service (KMS). Additionally, users can encrypt data in transit using SSL/TLS.

IAM Roles: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles allow users to define granular permissions for accessing AWS resources, including Amazon EC2 instances. IAM roles can be used to restrict access to specific resources or actions and can be assigned to users or applications.

Network Security: Amazon EC2 provides a range of network security features, such as network access control lists (ACLs), which act as virtual firewalls for subnets, and AWS WAF, which provides web application firewall protection against common web exploits.

Compliance: Amazon EC2 is compliant with a range of industry standards and regulations, such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and SOC 2. Additionally, users can use services like AWS Config, AWS CloudTrail, and AWS Trusted Advisor to audit and monitor compliance with best practices.

Overall, Amazon EC2 provides a range of security features to ensure the security of data and resources in the cloud. By using these features in conjunction with best practices for secure application design and configuration, users can build secure and compliant applications in the cloud.

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