How can RI Reporting be used to monitor and optimize usage of AWS Savings Plans and RIs?

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AWS Service: Reserved Instance (RI) Reporting

Question: How can RI Reporting be used to monitor and optimize usage of AWS Savings Plans and RIs?


RI Reporting is focused specifically on Reserved Instances (RIs) and their usage. While it does not provide information on Savings Plans, it can be used to monitor and optimize RI usage.

RI Reporting can be used to:

Track RI utilization: RI Reporting provides information on RI utilization rates, including unused RIs, underutilized RIs, and overutilized RIs. This information can be used to identify opportunities to optimize RI usage and reduce costs.

Identify areas of high usage: RI Reporting allows users to filter and group RI usage by account, region, instance type, and other dimensions. This can be useful for identifying areas of high usage and optimizing RI allocation to these areas.

Analyze cost savings: RI Reporting provides information on cost savings from RI usage, including the percentage of on-demand cost that is covered by RI usage. This information can be used to monitor cost savings and identify opportunities to optimize RI usage.

Identify areas for further investment: RI Reporting can also be used to identify areas where additional RI investment may be beneficial. By analyzing usage patterns and costs across different dimensions, users can identify areas where additional RI investment can lead to cost savings.

Overall, RI Reporting can be a valuable tool for monitoring and optimizing RI usage in AWS.

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