How can RI Reporting be used to identify and address RI coverage gaps or utilization issues?

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AWS Service: Reserved Instance (RI) Reporting

Question: How can RI Reporting be used to identify and address RI coverage gaps or utilization issues?


RI Reporting can be used to identify and address RI coverage gaps or utilization issues by providing visibility into the usage of RIs across multiple AWS accounts and services. The following are some steps to follow:

Use the RI Coverage report to identify any unused RIs or underutilized RIs. The report provides a breakdown of the RIs that are not being fully utilized and the estimated savings that can be achieved by modifying or selling them.

Use the RI Utilization report to identify RIs that are not being fully utilized. The report provides information on the utilization of RIs, such as the percentage of hours used and the percentage of unused hours.

Use the RI Recommendations report to identify opportunities to purchase new RIs or modify existing ones to better match the usage of your applications. The report provides recommendations on the type and size of RIs that can be purchased or modified to achieve maximum savings.

Use the RI Purchase report to track the purchase of new RIs and ensure that they are being utilized. The report provides information on the number of RIs purchased, their type and size, and the utilization of the RIs.

Use the RI Expiration report to track the expiration of RIs and ensure that they are renewed or modified before they expire. The report provides information on the expiration date of the RIs and the estimated savings that can be achieved by renewing or modifying them.

By regularly using these reports, you can identify and address any RI coverage gaps or utilization issues, optimize your RI usage, and achieve maximum cost savings.

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