How can AWS Cost Explorer be used to monitor and optimize usage of AWS Savings Plans and Reserved Instances?

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AWS Service: AWS Cost Explorer

Question: How can AWS Cost Explorer be used to monitor and optimize usage of AWS Savings Plans and Reserved Instances?


AWS Cost Explorer can be used to monitor and optimize the usage of AWS Savings Plans and Reserved Instances by providing detailed analysis of usage and costs.

For Savings Plans, Cost Explorer provides a breakdown of your Savings Plans coverage, utilization, and amortization over time, allowing you to identify opportunities to increase utilization and reduce costs. You can also view reports on your Savings Plans commitments and utilization across different regions and AWS services, as well as compare your actual Savings Plans usage with your forecasted usage.

For Reserved Instances, Cost Explorer can help you track your utilization and identify underutilized instances that can be modified or sold to save costs. You can view reports on your Reserved Instances utilization and coverage across different accounts and services, as well as compare your actual Reserved Instances usage with your forecasted usage.

By using Cost Explorer to monitor and optimize your usage of Savings Plans and Reserved Instances, you can ensure that you are getting the most value from your investments in AWS resources.

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