How can AWS Cost and Usage Report be used to monitor and optimize usage of AWS Savings Plans and Reserved Instances?

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AWS Service: AWS Cost and Usage Report

Question: How can AWS Cost and Usage Report be used to monitor and optimize usage of AWS Savings Plans and Reserved Instances?


AWS Cost and Usage Report can be used to monitor and optimize usage of AWS Savings Plans and Reserved Instances by providing detailed usage and cost data at the instance level. This data can be used to identify instances that are not fully utilizing their reserved capacity, allowing for the adjustment of reservations to maximize savings. The following are some ways to use AWS Cost and Usage Report to optimize usage of AWS Savings Plans and Reserved Instances:

Analyze usage data: The usage data available in the AWS Cost and Usage Report can be used to identify which instances are not fully utilizing their reserved capacity. By analyzing this data, you can determine whether you need to adjust your reservations to better match your actual usage patterns.

Compare actual usage with reservations: Use the AWS Cost and Usage Report to compare actual usage with reserved capacity. This can help you identify instances that are underutilized or overutilized, allowing you to make adjustments to your reservations to maximize savings.

Identify opportunities for savings: The detailed usage data provided in the AWS Cost and Usage Report can help you identify opportunities for savings by highlighting instances that are not being fully utilized or that could benefit from a different type of reservation.

Forecast future usage: By analyzing historical usage data, you can forecast future usage patterns and adjust your reservations accordingly to maximize savings.

Monitor savings over time: Use the AWS Cost and Usage Report to monitor your savings over time and identify any changes in usage patterns that may require adjustments to your reservations.

Overall, AWS Cost and Usage Report provides valuable insights into AWS usage and costs, allowing you to optimize your usage of AWS Savings Plans and Reserved Instances to maximize savings.

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